Oxford educated economist, Professor Tim Congden CBE has been adopted as the UKIP PPC for the Royal Forest of Dean constituency.
Professor Congden is an expert in macroeconomics and the economic correspondent for Standpoint magazine.
The polls are closer than the LibLabCon's policies making the 12%+ "other" vote, which UKIP is going to hoover up, even more important in what is looking increasingly likely to be a hung parliament.
Professor Congden is a welcome addition to the line-up of excellent UKIP candidates.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Professor Tim Congden to stand for UKIP
Professor Tim Congdon
Professor Tim Congden to stand for UKIP
Professor Tim Congdon|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

Professor Tim Congden to stand for UKIP
Professor Tim Congdon|