Just when you thought the English Democrats couldn't get any lower, they pull this out of the bag ...
I have no time for Nikki Sinclaire as a person or a politician because of the awful, selfish way she behaved during her final spat with UKIP but this sort of attack on someone because of their sexuality is disgusting. There's enough prejudice in society against homosexuals and transsexuals without a political party stirring up homophobic sentiment. It seems that the English Democrats aren't just racist but they're homophobic as well - and they're asking for 1.2m votes in the EU elections next year!
I have reported this picture twice to Facebook but they've refused to take it down (although their moral compass did lead them to suspend my Facebook account for 24 hours a month or so ago because someone objected to me saying that unemployed people should do community service for their benefits - something that weeks later is announced as government policy). I have sent the details to Nikki Sinclaire so that she can take whatever action she deems necessary.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
English Democrats' homophobic slur against Nikki Sinclaire MEP
English Democrats,
Nikki Sinclaire MEP
English Democrats' homophobic slur against Nikki Sinclaire MEP
English Democrats|Homophobia|Nikki Sinclaire MEP|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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English Democrats' homophobic slur against Nikki Sinclaire MEP
English Democrats|Homophobia|Nikki Sinclaire MEP|
Mark Gough · 597 weeks ago
Guest · 597 weeks ago
wonkotsane 85p · 597 weeks ago
Guest · 597 weeks ago
wonkotsane 85p · 597 weeks ago
warmingmyth · 597 weeks ago
I also question whether someone who goes on about "homophobia" is an asset to a libertarian party.
The libertarian position surely is that people are free to choose their own lifestyle in their own private lives but also others are free to disagree with that choice particularly if it spills over into the public realm.
Guest · 597 weeks ago
Even the heteros are now going around snooping into supposed homophobia. Stuff that! Far more important things to worry about.
Guest · 597 weeks ago
warmingmyth · 597 weeks ago
Guest · 597 weeks ago
The militants will do harm wherever they take over. Look at Gregory Evans - another LGBT fanatic who left doing all the damage he possibly could to UKIP. He may have been a deliberate plant, of course. They want power and control. In the EU they call the tune, it's ridiculous.
raymond f jones · 597 weeks ago