Tuesday 1 December 2009

Nick Griffin to represent EU in Copenhagen

The sad news that the Lisbon Treaty/EU Constitution comes into force today, ending the 1,082 year history of England as an independent, unified state is made slightly more palatable by the news that the Peoples Republic of the EU will be represented at the Copenhagen Global Socialist Government Climate Change Summit by Nick Griffin.

Not only is Nick Griffin a man-made climate change sceptic but he's also a bumbling, racist embarrassment and the European Empire's first major summit as a country in its own right will see a nationalist socialist representing it.  You couldn't make it up.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Green Party said:

He is one of a number of members of the European Parliament who will go on a delegation.  He won't get the right to speak. The Parliament sadly doesn't even get the right to really influence the decisions at al.

What good EUropeans the Green Party are.  As the leader of a pro-EU party, you'd have thought that Caroline Lucas would have realised that the Peoples Republic of the European Empire now has complete, unvetoed control over climate change policy for all member states.


Steve Halden said...

All the power in the EU lies with the EU Commissioners and the new EU President.

The EU is carefully planned to keep every bit of power well away from the elected MEPs.

The parliament is a mock parliament with no real power to do anything at all.